Overcome your #1 challenge of talent and make it a competitive advantage
On average, 69% of total company costs are labor costs. With talent being the #1 challenge for most companies, this inhibits many companies from achieving their vision.
Resolve this challenge by implementing your own talent management system that helps you select, develop, and retain the talent needed to achieve your vision.
You decide how you implement this into your organization
Get led through the implementation
A certified talent advisor will lead you step by step through implementing a talent management system into your organization.
Get coached through the implementation
A certified talent advisor will coach you through implementing a talent management system into your organization.
Do it yourself
Purchase the Stop Selling Vanilla Ice Cream book and implement a talent management system into your organizations using our free resources.
What makes our approach to talent development different?
Implement and manage your own talent management system
We will teach you how to fish, not fish for you, by training you on how to run your own talent management system.
Your talent decisions are driven by your strategy
Without strategy, your talent is not focused. Without talent, your strategy is not executed.
Make decisions with data, not just your gut
With the reliability of our behavioral assessments approaching 90%, you will be able to develop and create your talent plan confidently.